Chinese Orchid Species and Ornamental Plants
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We offer a large selection of Chinese orchids and ornamental plants. Orchids and plants are shipped to the USA twice a year (October and March).
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A few of our most popular orchid genera
For the entire catalog, click on the Orchids (by Genus) heading in the menu at the top of this page
Take a peek at our selection!This huge genus is well represented in China, with over 100 species occuring in the country. One of the favorites, Bulbophyllum rothshchildianum, is shown above. Hengduan offers over 25 different Chinese species in the catalog.
Explore our Calanthe selectionThe common names for plants of this terrestrial orchid genus include the Christmas orchid or Prayer Plant. China boasts 51 species, 21 of which are endemic. Many of these can be grown in the garden in a rich, well-draining soil.
Choose from our selection of CoelogyneThirty one species of Coelogyne are known to occur in China (although we are not sure this number includes the recent additions of Dendrochilum, Chelonistele, Otochilus, Panisea, and Pholidota). Hengduan Biotechnology offers over 15 different species, varieties and natural hybrids.
Asian (Chinese) Cymbidiums
Investigate our Chinese Cymbidiums!There are nearly 50 species of cymbidium in China, 19 of which are endemic. A subset of these are known as the Asian or Chinese Cymbidiums. For centuries, the Chinese have meticulously collected and propagated hundreds of different forms of the species, many with bizarre leaf shapes and patterning, and unusual flower forms and colors. Hengduan offers many different species and forms.
Check out our selections!China is home to at least 32 different species of cypripediums. One of our first projects was to develop the technology to breed and cultivate the native Chinese cypripediums and to offer them as commercial products. We have a broad selection of cypripedium species and hybrids, and we are continuing to expand our selection. The best time to purchase these is in the spring, when the plants are coming out of dormancy.
Peruse our dendrobiums!We have an amazing collection of Dendrobium species, including many miniatures! Currently, over 100 different selections.
Hengduan's selection of HabaneriaHabaneria, another large genus with about 600 species world wide, has over 50 species found in China. The one illustrated above (Habaneria dentata) was recently seen in our October 2024 Yunnan botanical tour. We usually have a very limited supply of the species listed, so order early if you are interested!
Check out our selections!At least 16 different Paphiopedilum species occur in China. Hengduan Biotechnology has an extensive selection of Paphiopedilum species and hybrids.
Pick out a phalaenopsis for your collection!A genus of around 90 species, Phalaenopsis in China is represented by about 25 different species. Some of them are deciduous, and often appear only as a mass of roots.
Check out Hengduan's selectionChina is home to 23 different species of pleione, 12 of which are endemic. Some are terrestrial; others grow epiphytically.
Hengduan Biotechnologies Vanda SelectionsTen species of Vanda are found in China, including one of the most widely used species in Vanda hybridization, Vanda coerulea. Shown above is a rare pink form of Vanda coerulea.

Popular ornamental plant genera
To view the entire selection, click on the heading Ornamental Plants (by Family) in the menu at the top of this page
Go shopping!Rock garden favorites!
China has over 70 species, making it the center of diversity for the genus. -
Shop our selection!China has 53 species (22 endemic). We offer quite a few, and you can see even more on our Sichuan tours!
Explore our Arisaema collection!China has 78 species of this popular aroid in the Araceae family. Often called cobra lilies or jack-in-the-pulpit. In China many are used for medicinal purposes.
Take a look!China has about 147 species of clematis, 93 of which are endemic. The province of Yunnan has 16 endemic species. Most species in our selection are suitable for temperate climates.
Check out our Impatiens!China is a global hotspot of impatiens diversity, with the majority of species found in southwest China. Approximately 360 species are known from China.
Explore our Iris collection!China is home to approximately 60 species of iris, 21 of which are endemic.
Time to shop for lilies!Lilium species occur in both northern and southern China. The Himalayas and southwest China are considered to be the center of origin for the genus. In China there are 55 species of Lilium, 35 of which are endemic.
More about our Meconopsis!There are 43 species of Meconopsis in China. Most have a very restricted distribution, and a few are critically endangered. We are able to offer seeds of 8 different species. Note, limited availability. The photo above is from one our tours in Sichuan, taken at an elevation of over 12,000 ft asl!
Pick out a paeonia for your garden!Popular selections for the temperate garden, paeonies never disappoint. There are eleven known species native to China, the region believed to be the center of diversity. The above photo is from one of our tours in Sichuan, taken in the Baisha valley Wanglang National Panda reserve.
Pick out a Petrocosmea or two!Popular choices for windowsill gardeners, Petrocosmea are one of the plant lover's favorites. China has over 25 different species. In the chinese language they are known as the "stone butterfly genus.
Polygala offeringsSome species of Polygala are used in traditional chinese medicine to treat wounds, inflammation, and central nervous system disorders. China has 44 species of this genus. Our selection includes both woody and herbaceous plants.
Customer Feedback
- We just received the plants on Monday,
and they looked wonderful! They were so large and of such high quality, they
were absolutely fantastic! It was a very exciting order, and we are looking
forward to more like it in the future. GG, Longwood Gardens, PA - An excellent selection of orchids and many other rare asian ornamentals that are virtually impossible to find for sale anywhere else. JP from NC
- I just wanted to say this was the best order ever for both Orchids and the temperate perennials. Both the size and the health were all very good! .... The Rohdea pachynema was a very nice big plant!
CA, Mason Hollow, NH
- We just received the plants on Monday,